Authorized translations
Authorized translator from Swedish to English
On 18 February 2020, the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) authorized me as a translator from Swedish to English. This means I am qualified to provide authorized (sworn) translations that can then be certified/notarized by the Notary Public (Notarius Publicus). Please contact the Notary Public for questions regarding certification of translated documents, Apostille, and other matters related to legalization.
According to Kammarkollegiet's instructions (KAMFS 2019:4), an authorized translator must carefully consider whether they are suited to perform the assignment. Therefore, I must direct those seeking translations of, e.g., diplomas, identity documents, medical documents and similar documents to other authorized translators found in Kammarkollegiet's list of translators.
I have an ongoing cooperation with several translation agencies catering to public authorities, companies, and individuals. In addition, I regularly provide translation services to a number of corporate clients and law firms. As a result, I am usually fully booked months in advance and am rarely able to accept new assignments on short notice.
Feel free to email quillcreektranslations@gmail.com for a quote on authorized translation of legal or financial documents, or click the icon below for my LinkedIn profile.
Please visit Apostille24.se for information regarding certification of translated documents, Apostille, and other matters related to legalization. Alternatively, contact your local Notary Public's office with any questions.
Jeanette Larsson
Authorized translator (Swedish to English)